Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Electric shower replacing the stabiliser flow control valve and pressure switch ( heating hot water control )

The flow control valve controls the heat of the water by restricting the flow of the water , the hotter you set it the less water it allows through and the longer the water takes to go through the heat exchanger so more time for the heater element to heat the water.

If this breaks it usually does not adjust so it does not matter where you set it the temperature stays the same but check the elements prior to replacing one might be down.

Electric shower replacing the flow control valve ( heating hot water control )

You have to remove the solenoid first to get to the flow / heat control
so remove wiring and 2 retaining screws and pull free or 

Electric shower replacing the flow control valve ( heating hot water control )

Electric shower replacing the flow control valve ( heating hot water control )

Now undo the 2 retaining screws for the flow / heat control valve 

Electric shower replacing the flow control valve ( heating hot water control )

Electric shower replacing the flow control valve ( heating hot water control )

When the screws are removed that hold the flow control in place 
you need to loosen the heat exchanger to get enough room to be able to get the flow control 
valve free , first remove screws from bottom of heat exchanger and the one retaining screw
on the side of the heat exchanger.

Watch the pressure switch at the top as it hooks into the micro switch this is 
another thing that could go wrong with this and the elements would not 
heat up and solenoid would not open to allow water to flow.

When refitting make sure you fit the o-ring seal 

back in place and screwing the retaining nuts up

When you fit the outlet pipe if it falls of like it did for me  do not forget the 
o-ring seal 

                  See the video below of us removing and replacing the                                           flow/heat control valve         

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